What Is Candida:
Candida overgrowth in your body will cause you to suffer from sugar cravings. Candida yeast loves sugar just as much as you do, and it's love of this empty, non-nutritional food causes you to want it more.
* According to a study done at Rice University, "70% of American's are living daily with an overgrowth of yeast and bacteria."
Signs of yeast overgrowth include: rashes, white coating on your tongue, fungus on your toenails, 'foggy' thinking, nasal congestion and discharge, nasal itching, blisters in the mouth, recurrent sore throat, dry throat, abdominal pain, belching, bloating, heartburn, consitpation, diarrhea, rectal burning or itching, vaginal discharge, vaginal itching or burning, worsening symptoms of PMS, prostatitis, impotence, frequent urination, bladder infections, muscular weakness, swelling of joins, mood swings or depression, severe fatigue!
Many factors contribute to the overgrowth of yeast in the intestinal tract. To prevent and/or treat this condition it is important to be aware of your body's intake of food and chemicals, and its reaction to them. Eating foods that are rich in yeast and sugar encourages the growth of yeast within the body.
This can produce a second and more advanced stage, in which yeast organisms actually invade the bloodstream through the walls of the intestinal tract -- Systemic Candida.
Medical History:
Your medical history is also an important factor in determining the presence of intestional yeast. Some factors include:
- Have you had frequent or prolonged use of antibiotics
- Cortisone or prednisone use
- Nutritional deficiences leading to a run-down physical state
- Severe emotional upset, stress, anxiety
- Environmental toxins (mold)
- Overly acidic environment in your body
Eliminating Yeast Overgrowth:
Eliminating dairy, gluten, wheat, sugar, caffeine and alcohol -- all known to feed Candida yeast should be eliminated. You want to repopulate your intestional tract with friendly bacteria to fight off Candida and strengthen the immune system. There are a number of steps to be taken to eliminate Candida depending on the severity.
As you begin to eliminate the Candida overgrowth from your body you will also experience what is known as the Candida Die Off effect or Herxheimer reaction. It can also be referred to as what is known as a healing crisis.
What this means is that you will experience detox reactions as a result of cleansing Candida from your body. In other words you will feel worse before you begin to feel better when you start to cleanse and detoxify your body. Die off symptoms typically include fatigue, congestion and cold like symptoms and sometimes fever like symptoms This die off effect will be different for each person and treating yeast can take a very long time and is something that you need to keep on top of.
There are Candida-killing supplements, books and cleaning up your diet that will help with the Candida. The information above just touches the surface of Candida but I do hope that what I shared can bring help others who may possibly be wondering 'what could possibly be wrong with me?'.
Candida can be eliminated using Natural herbs,
ReplyDeleteI was once a Candida.
Am Patricia from America I have suffered from it for a very long time,Candida is a fungus, which is a form of yeast, and a very small amount of it lives in your mouth and intestines. Its main job? Helping out with digestion and nutrient absorption.
But when overproduced, candida can break down the wall of the intestine and penetrate the bloodstream — releasing toxic by-products into your body and causing leaky gut. This can lead to many different health problems, from digestive issues to depression. now am cured with the help of a Dr John, I used his product for one month, and now am okay the issue of ovaries cysts is gone, am noting down the contact of the Doctor so that the public can also contact him on dralegbe@gmail.com