Thursday, May 24, 2012

Are Your Eye Lashes Falling Out?

Is This Normal?

Eyelashes do fall out normally from time to time, just as hair elsewhere on the body does. But they can also fall out for other reasons.

The medical name for this problem is madarosis, and some causes are pretty obvious - such as the way you remove eye makeup. Wiping your eyes too vigorously can pull out a few lashes. It is better to use an eye makeup remover that does the job without the need for rubbing. In addition, heavy mascara can actually weigh down delicate lashes and cause them to fall out, and the pressure of an eyelash curler can pull them out as well.

Some have a nasty habit of unwittingly pulling out their eyelashes without much thought to the consequences. It is never a good idea to fiddle around with your eyelashes as they take lot longer to grow back than the hairs in other parts of your body.

Other potential causes include eyelid infections from sharing makeup or using a dirty applicator. A thyroid condition (either underactive or overactive) can also be to blame. You also should investigate the possibility of infection with a mite called D. folliculorum, which can cause swelling and inflammation of the eyelash follicles.

Another reason could be a chemical allergy to the mascara. You may not have heard of this but a chemical allergy to mascara does happen. In most instances, the chemicals used in popular mascaras can cause itchiness, swelling of the eylids, and watery eyes. In some cases, it can cause the eye lashes to fall out. This is the main reason that many are now opting for natural mascara that is a healthier, safer option that will give you the same results without the chemicals.

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