Thursday, June 27, 2013

Animal Rendered Ingredients

The Rendering Plant is a processing operation where dead animals are recycled and used in products.  Products that you would not even associate with animals.  These products include soap, toothpaste, mouthwash, hair dyes, nail polish, pharmaceutical products and cosmetics (including those not tested on animal).

Are you grossed out yet? 

Rendering plant materials can include road kill, euthanized cats and dogs from veterinarians and animal shelters, supermarket rejects such as spoiled steak, intestines, spinal cords, eyeballs!!  The waste from slaughterhouses are the primary contributors to these facilities.

How are the dead animals recycled?

One process cooks the dead animals past boiling then removes the moisture.  It is ground into a powder for bones meal or recycled meat for pets, zoo and farm animals.
A second method process involves chopping of edible material (primarily fat), cooking at low temperatures then separating the liquid and fat from solids.

What to look for on your labels:

Non-edible tallow: Used in wax paper, crayons and soap
Oleic acid: Used in foods, soaps, permanent wave solutions, shampoos, hair
dyes, lipsticks, liquid make-ups, nasal sprays
Glycerin: Used in inks, glues, solvents, antifreeze, cosmetics, foods,
mouthwashes, toothpastes, soaps, ointments, plastics
Stearic acid: Used in rubber, cosmetics, lubricants, candles, hair spray, conditioners, deodorants, creams, food flavoring, pharmaceutical products
Linoleic acid: Used in paints and esters
Meat meal and bone meal: Used in livestock feed and pet food
Meat packing companies can benefit from producing edible rendering as a side business.  The bad news for us all, this industry is not well regulated.   You cannot be sure how your fat product was processed or what it’s source was.

How to be sure you do not have these ingredients in your products:

The only way to be sure that your personal care products do not contain animal products or animal by products is to purchase vegan products or products that state on the label that they do not contain animal by products or animal products.  If it is not stated, there is a good chance that you are putting dead animal parts on yourself.

Do you want to know more?  Google the Animal Rendering Industry or check youtube. 


  1. Great post! Thank you for getting out the information! Linda

  2. Thank you Linda. It is really gross some of the ingredients that are included in our personal care products!
