Friday, July 31, 2015

The Advertisement and The Reality of Pet Food!

This is the ingredient list of a pet food used by many people.  The images on the bag and the benefits listed all portray that this is balanced and healthy for your pet when the opposite is true.
Where's the beef?? Did you find it?
There is so little real meat in this food. Beef Meal is so far down in the ingredient list. The top ingredients are low quality ingredients. The advertisement is very different from the reality.

The Reality:
Corn, soybean, wheat are all very common allergens, are hard for your pet to digest and provides incomplete proteins for carnivores. These ingredients can also disturb the immune system. Not to mention these ingredients, especially corn, are very susceptible to molds and toxins!!
Sugar in the form of High Fructose Corn Syrup!!! There is no need for sugar in your pet's food. They can become addicted to that sugar just like humans can. And the pretty colors in the pet food -- that's for you -- not the dog!! That artificial color added to your pet food -- the dyes -- have been linked to many health conditions -- including cancer!
Propylene Glycol -- the cousin to antifreeze. It's used to ensure a longer shelf life but could shorten your pet's life!!! This is the ingredient that Purina is being sued over.
Menadione can weaken your pet's immune system and potentially cause toxic reactions in the liver cells.
By-Products are what's left over that we are usually throwing in the garbage.  Animal by-products are simply cheaper… notably cheaper than most any other comparable meat product. They’re used for making dog food because they save money. Not because they’re more nutritious.


None of these ingredients will help your pet thrive and live a healthy, long life.  The reason foods, with these ingredients, are so inexpensive are because they are using inferior ingredients and that equals inferior quality.  You could end up spending so much more in vet bills.

Email me at to get the full list of low quality ingredients that includes What It Is, Why It Is Used and What's Wrong With It.

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